Nutrition is a cross-cutting issue that contributes to achievement or acceleration of progress towards several MDGs. Ethiopia has one of the highest rates of malnutrition in Sub-Saharan Africa, and faces acute and chronic malnutrition and micronutrient deficiencies. Nutrition deficiencies during the first critical 1,000 days (pregnancy to 2 years) put a child at risk ofbeing stunted. This affects 40% of children in Ethiopia (Mini DHS 2014).As confirmed by consecutive EDHS results, there is a decline in stunting, underweight and wasting in children under-five years of age. However, a stunting rate of 40% remains a great concern with the subsequent life course impact of malnutrition on the long-term health of individuals and the socioeconomic development of the nation. There is a regional variation ranging in malnutrition 22.9 % in Addis to 49.2 % in Afar and seven of the regions have a rate more than 30%. Stunting is more prevalent among rural dwellers and children from families in the lowest quintiles of educational and wealth status.
Cognizant of the nutrition issues, a national nutrition strategy and program (NNSP) has been developed and implemented in a multi-sectoral approach. The HSDP IV has integrate nutrition into the Health Extension Programme to improve the nutritional status of mothers and children through Enhanced Outreach Strategy (EOS)health posts) .
The morbidity, mortality and vulnerability of pregnant & lactating women and infant & youth are prevalent in Ethiopia as a result of problems related to nutrition. MCMDO works on CMAM, SBCC on nutrition and prevention of hidden hunger and micronutrient deficiencies.
MCMDO had implemented 10 projects under this thematic component. MCMDO has achieved significant impacts on its nutrition projects both under development and emergency nutrition projects. As a result of this outstanding achievement, the former UN Secretary General Ban Ki Moon has visited our nutrition projects in Oromia region, Zeway Dugda woreda during his visit to Ethiopia.