
In 2014, more than 1.7 million youth were attending higher education in 1312 TVETs and 33 universities. More than 3.5 million adults beneficial from the adult education program and 6.6 million are currently in the program. Proportion of girls enrolled in primary and secondary education has exceeded 45% in 2014 as a direct result of the GoE’s policy to empower women through enhancing girls’ education. Nonetheless, the enrollment rate among children with disabilities is below 5%.

The country’s vision with regard to education and training is “building an education and training system which assures quality and equity in education by the year 2019/20 which aims at producing competent citizens”. Thus, the major priorities of the education and training sector during the period of GTPII include the following:

MCMDO had implemented 17 projects under this thematic area in different regions. It had built schools, libraries, kindergartens, primary schools and youth and ICT centers. On the other hand different supplementary reading materials, reference materials, laboratory equipment, playground/materials, teaching aid, mini media equipment and other related inputs were provided to schools in different times.

To increase the access and quality of education MCMDO aimed at improving the access and quality of  education for the most hard to reach and disadvantaged groups, through construction of kindergarten,  upgrade/extension of elementary schools, youth centers, and sponsorship of educational materials and one to one sponsorship for school enrollment of children.

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