Mothers and Children Multi-sectoral Development Organization (MCMDO) is an indigenous, nongovernmental, not-for-profit and humanitarian organization founded in 1997. Formerly known as Welfare for the Street Mothers and Children Organization (WeSMCO) was re-named in 2009 due to the broadened thematic areas the organization is increasingly dealing with. The same year MCMDO registered with the Charities and Societies Agency (CSA) as an Ethiopian resident charity with a certificate number 0022. After the Government reform the new Civil Societies Organization Proclamation No. 1113/2019 endorsed. MCMDO is re-registered with the new proclamation as local Organization with a certificate number 0022. At the time of its establishment the organizations’ main focus was preventing ‘street-ism’ and promoting rehabilitation. It widened its focus to seven thematic areas; Health, Education, Skills training, Family and community support, Water and sanitation, urban agricultural and environmental protection and Economic empowerment of women. More recently, MCMDO is actively carrying out Humanitarian Response projects in response to the emergency situation locally in woredas declared food in-secure by the Federal Government and in refugee context. MCMDO is implementing Emergency Nutrition Response projects to build the capacity of regional health bureaus and woreda health offices through programmatic trainings, supportive supervision, and strengthening referral linkage with technical and logistic support at the grass root level. MCMDO continues to give specific emphasis to mothers and children in need of help, with the belief that if a mother and her children are economically fit and healthy, communities prosper. Over the past 26 years, MCMDO has successfully carried out more than 188 projects in sub national states in the country including Addis Ababa and Dire Dawa city administrations, Amhara, Tigray, Ethiopian Somalia, Benishangul Gumuz, Oromia, Southern Ethiopia, Afar and Gambella regional states which has directly and indirectly benefited more than ten million people.

Transparency and accountability

Honesty and transparency in all of our interactions are what define our behavior and relationships with our stakeholders. We hold each other and ourselves responsible for upholding the greatest moral and professional standards.

Moral and Ethical integrity

The trait of honesty and adherence to high moral and ethical standards and values is known as moral integrity. It entails realizing, embracing, and making the decision to live by one’s values, which include decency, justice, and honesty. Upholding integrity means doing the right thing and it serves as a moral compass guiding one’s actions


We pay attention and think that working together can alter people’s lives for the better. Diversity is valued and welcomed in our organization. Respecting everyone with our words and deeds, we are dedicated to fostering an inclusive and cooperative culture.


Equity is the term for justice or fairness in how individuals are treated. It goes beyond just numerical depiction, such as diversity and true inclusivity. Equity acknowledges that people are not all the same and that historically discrimination has disproportionately impacted some groups of people.Rather than treating everyone equally, achieving equality entails distributing opportunities and resources according to need and circumstance.

Vision: MCMDO aspires to see mothers and children leading decent and sustainable lives in a safe and healthy environment.

Mission: MCMDO works to improve the lives of vulnerable mothers and children through increasing their access to quality of basic services, livelihood options, humanitarian response and natural environment using a holistic and participatory approach.

Values: transparency and accountability, moral and ethical integrity, inclusiveness, equity and flexibility.

Values: transparency and accountability, moral and ethical integrity, inclusiveness, equity and flexibility.

Deeply moved by the plight of street children, a group of dedicated individuals from different backgrounds founded MCMDO in 1997, and for over 27 years, MCMDO has responded to almost all the regions in Ethiopia through d/t projects, working with vulnerable communities.

While MCMDO continues to be a first local NGO whom responded to humanitarian crises, it is also committed to working with vulnerable communities to help them survive crises and support them on the road to recovery.

MCMDO’s purpose is to save lives and empower communities to develop resilience and greater control over their lives and livelihoods. MCMDO aims to increase the resilient well being of the vulnerable people and focuses on those who are excluded or marginalized, particularly those who are at risk due to socioeconomic status, gender or age.