Women and girls in Ethiopia are severely dis advantaged compared to boys and men in several areas, particularly with respect to literacy, health, livelihoods and basic human rights. They also suffer from low status in their society and lack social support networks. Women represent about half of labor force in Ethiopia, they have high unequal participation; most women employment are mainly on unpaid family works and self-employed in ordinary jobs.

Women empowerment is the crucial entry point in each program, Women & Children are at the center of every intervention of MCMDO.

So far  MCMDO reach from rural kebele communities to overcrowded urban slums and refugee camps. We empower and sutain  more than 10,000 beneficiaries under different WEE interventions in 120 woredas in the country. currently we do have two projects in all Arada sub city woreda 08 and 04 woredas partnering with GOAL international Ethiopia.

Our approach

MCMDO adopts a holistic approach to WEE, which comprises of four domains of empowerment. We promote women’s economic advancement, access to opportunities, services, and resources, and agency, including decision-making ability in households and markets, manageable paid and unpaid workloads, and well-being. Finally, MCMDO promotes equitable systems where women can benefit from equitable policies, laws, institutional practices, and social norms. Through:

Small Business Schemes

MCMDO supports direct interventions with women/girls in business and aspiring ones in their access to various soft and technical skill training, financial and non-financial services, exposures, productive resources, technologies, climate smart agricultural inputs and practices, market opportunities etc. In addition to boosting the economic status of the target women, this is to generate grass-root level evidence that inform policies/actions and to show cases/working models for possible scaling up and replication by development partners.    The program works with implementing partners in organizing women/girls in to cooperatives and enterprises followed by various support that sustains their organizations including assisting with tools and system development.

Vocational Skill Training

We provide basic services like savings, affordable credit, and skill training to women, empowering women economically by equipping them with practical skills, fostering their independence, and promoting gender equality in the workforce.

Startup capital support

MCMDO supports women and girls to improve the house hold income of poor and marginalized society by diversifying their means of livelihoods and engaging them in income generating activities so as to enhance their decision making capability at household and community level.financial assistance provided to women entrepreneurs or startup founders to help them establish and grow their businesses.

Backyard gardening

We give support womens to cultivate small gardens near their homes, typically in residential backyards or other available spaces. They use gardens primarily for growing fruits, vegetables, herbs, and sometimes even small livestock. Women who engage in backyard gardening gain more control over their household’s food supply. By growing their own produce, they reduce dependence on expensive market purchases.