Networking and Partnership

MCMDO is a member of Union of Ethiopian Women Charitable Association (UEWCA), Consortium of Christian Relief and Development Association (CCRDA), Consortium of Reproductive Health Association (CORHA) and Non – State Actors Coalition and CoRHA. On the other hand, MCMDO is active member of the Federal and Regional NCU, Pastoral forum and GO – NGO consortia in all regions. Since 2017, MCMDO is an active member of the Nutrition cluster, Health cluster and Agriculture clusters.

The major funders include United Nation Office for Humanitarian Affairs (UN OCHA), German Federal Foreign Office (GFFO), Danish Dutch National Office (DANIDO) , Dutch Relief Alliance( DRA) ,World Health Organization,UNWFP, WHO, Project HOPE, Amref Health Africa, Action Against Hunger/AAH/ Care Ethiopia, BMZ/Humidica,UN WFP, Blue Energy/EDF foundation,EHF/World Vision ,EHF/, Welthungerhilfe /WHH/ ,Plan International Ethiopia, Irish aid /through GOAL Ethiopia, Almaro Foundation, GIZ-ESDS , The World Bank (WB) and Individual Sponsors .